Check your nuts at the door

Pistachio Unshelled is new to the Blog-world and aims to give straightforward insight. We shall use the beloved pistachio as a creative outlet to bring joy and happiness to the digital realm. If anything mentioned on Pistachio should offend... Tough sh*t, deal with it and go listen to Justin Bieber! The objective of Pistachio unshelled is simple... To give you the scoop on nuttin' but the cold hard truth... In a nutshell of course!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


A Dutch designer Tomáš Gabzdil Libertiny erected a sculpture of Jesus while the bees finish the project.  The experiment was done in a sealed glass container with his mold of Christ inside. Libertiny released over 40,000 bees who worked religiously on the honeycombed surface of the mold. So the question remains, why don't beekeepers have Jesus honeycombs to make their honey a truly religious experience?

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